Many times when I tell people about my house, I am mostly just really excited about it and don't get to talk about what a great joy it will be. As much as I want this to be a place to call my own (as much as a renter can call someplace home) I want my home to be a safe place...a place where my church kids can come when they need something to do, a place they feel safe and a place that God can ultimately use for His purposed! I have waited so long for a place like this and God has answered my prayers, and although at times, i may not want to allow God to have my house, it is not mine to withhold. So, God, here in front of all these bloggers, and everyone that desires to keep me accountable, I promise to glorify you with this house. It is yours. Just don't drink out of the milk jug and use chip clips! :) No, but seriously, Thank you for your oh so perfect, but sometimes misunderstood, timing. I say all this, not to toot my own horn, but so that all of you guys make sure that I don't fall on my promise to God.
So my new fluffy, black adopted son that is coming to my house on Feb. 25th ish is doing well so far. His name choices have come down to these 5:
1. Quincy (Thanks Alyssa. (She's three and loves Little Einsteins.))
2. Mac (Apple, fav McD burger, and he will be as big as a mac truck)
3. Zeus (Largeness)
4. Samson (From the Bible; Strength and Size)
5. Back-up (Thanks Tricia! "I need Back-Up!")

If you have any other tips, let me know! I'm getting back to reading.