God gave me one of those, “I told you so…” moments

So, we’ve been looking…nothing urgent. Just keeping an eye on things to come and go
on the market. So there’s this
house. In the school district we want,
in the general price we want. We
understand that the resale may not be great, but we could rent it when the time
comes for a profit and really make this place work. It’s also VERY outdated. There are oh…5 different colors of carpet
throughout the house; green & blue & black shag in the master, brown
& white & pink-ish upstairs, brown throughout the living and dinning
room, blue in the kitchen…yes there’s carpet in the kitchen. It was a very stylish kitchen in the
70s! But yeah… we would have to work on
There was that glimmer of hope in Nathan and I as we walked
around this house…until the basement.
RADON…I hate you, radon. The
owner is one of Nathan’s friend’s grandmother who’s still well. When she put the house on the market, she
found out that the radon levels in her basement were at a 40. In order to get a conventional loan or even a
rural development loan the radon test has to come back at 3.9… and no, I didn’t misplace
that decimal point. We are looking for a
difference here of about 36.1 points.
They put in a mitigation system (somewhat costly which includes drilling a hole in the basement), but still only cut the radon in little more than half to a 17.
So remember, gimmer, stellar carpet…and radon. So did Nathan and I want to pursue this?
Is this a battle to fight? This
was when a few weeks ago I posted on facebook, “How do you know when God's
wanting you to fight for something vs. God saying, "Give it up already, Linz ...I'm trying to
close the door, so just let me!"’
So I prayed. I didn’t pray a lot for
a reason; because I didn’t want to convince myself that I should fight for it,
which is my natural instinct, but I wanted to say, “If this is what you want
for Nate, me, and the Ruth I trust you.
If not, I’ll forget about it.” Granted
I didn’t forget about it, but I talked to Nathan one more time, and said,
should we just ask if they’d fix it? The
worst they would say is no, and then we’d move on.
So, about 20 emails and a week later, with LOTs of
conditions, they agreed they would accept a certain offer if the stars aligned
and they made the radon disappear. So
there was no fighting or God back-talking
me, but this morning on the way in to work, it was made very clear to me that
God majorly answered. Not, “can I have
this house?” or “What does everything have to be so difficult?” but “I’ve had
the baby and you in Nathan in my mind all along. Don’t ever doubt that I’ve got things under
control.” And I smiled, and of course
slightly teared up…b/c that’s what pregnant women do, and then made it to work
This still isn’t a done deal yet. There’s still LOTS of stipulations and still
a large change that this isn’t THE house.
But, when God reveals things to
you like that, man, it’s just cool.