Sunday, December 30, 2012

Happy BELATED Christmas...argh, I hate being late...

Wineinger Christmas Picture 2012 has been wayyy too long!  I agree.  I want to come up with something snappy, maybe a good excuse. nothin.'  This new baby, new house, new job routine is kicking my butt!  I really am a late hater, and I have been embarrassingly behind since August.  I hope the cycle breaks soon.

To redeem myself/create a blog post/update/avoid type overload, I'm gonna post my Christmas letter!    Yeah.  I'll come up with an exciting post soon.  I'm working on it really!  I am also going to create a break in the post in case you don't want to read my letter.  If you just want to look at my year end pictures, click "The Wineinger 2012" page above (or that link).

And I promise! I'll post again next week...maybe sooner...maybe...