Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Eagle Bows it's Solemn Head Tonight...

I want to preface this post (because prefacing is one of my OTHER spiritual gifts) by saying that what I am about to post is my opinion.  I do not want to portray anything as fact unless I reference something from a source and say that it is in fact, a fact.  I am going to be talking about Dunlap and all of its glory, so if you get easily twerked or bothered by this topic I would high encourage you to LOOK AWAY!  SHIELD YOUR EYES! DON’T DO IT!!

This could also be semi boring for some of my blog readers…. Sorry about that…

Sunday, March 16, 2014

2-Part Blog: Insta-Funday Sunday & The Blog Snob

Part 1: Insta- Funday Sunday

I haven't done this in SOOO long and I had some really good pictures backed up.  Let's see how consistent I can be with this again.  .

And go.

We say, "Ruthie...YODA!"  and this is what she does.  We sent this one morning while Daddy was plowing to cheer him up.

Wild Ginger Project:  I did these for my dear friend, Megan, and I loved how they turned out...stay tuned for the wedding them more.  But I'll let her debut them.  

I lost this battle a week or so ago.  I told her she was too big.  She disagreed and this is how I found her eating breakfast.

I posted this a week-ish ago kind of proud yet slightly ashamed at how tall my clean dishes stack was.  

And this loveliness was yesterday at Panera.  Nathan had to clean up the shopping center that Panera was in so we took advantage if the trip to Peoria and had some morning giggles with apple juice, fruit & Dr. Seuss.  

Part 2: The Blog Snob

It’s been a dream of mine to become a pro blogger, but Nathan and I were talking yesterday about an acquaintance of ours that is a local blogger and he/she has begun to act differently because of some success she/he has had.  Now, I have not experienced this first hand, and I find this person very pleasant and I semi relate to and kind of envy him/her in many ways.  Although, I could see how it is TOTALLY possible.  Even on here, all I do is talk about myself, my kid (almost plural), my job/side graphic stuff (almost as shameless advertising), and well…everything about me and what I do/have done. 

So this is me blogging about how I need to revaluate why I blog. HA  (Click "Read More" to keep going.  If you don't want to see my rant, scroll up and look at Ruthie again.  It's ok...I do it all the time)  

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

So the Doc Said....

I was officially proved wrong today...

You guessed it...
We are having another little girl! 

I could have sworn this time it was a boy!  My appetite is TOTALLY opposite, I've been crazing meat and cheese and TONS of milk.  I didn't get sick like I did with Ruthie.  I would say this pregnancy was running smoother, so I just figured, MAN, it’s GOTTA be a boy.   
Please don’t get me wrong!  We are totally fine with it being a girl.  I kind of liked the girl name we had picked out better then the boy name anyway.  Funny though…we went to the Chinese buffet after the appointment this afternoon, and Nathan said, “So do you think you’ll be ok with an odd number if #3 is a girl?”
I finally buckled and said, “Yes, probably.”  I just really don’t want to have an odd number of kids…but 4 weddings is A LOT of $$! 
Her name will be Tessa Lee.  Tessa is a derivative of Theresa which means, “Summer,” or “Harvester,” and Lee or Leigh means “field.”  So, in essence, she is the “Harvester of the Field!”  I think this is a WONDERFUL spiritual meaning and the fact that she will be born in the middle of July I just feel fits perfectly.  Criticize me if you will, but we’re not changing it! BOO YA! 
Ultimately, we are elated that this pregnancy is running smoothly.  The doc is happy with progress and we are happy with the new addition.  It’s still weird to think of a family of four!  God is so good. 

Ruthie’s gonna be the best big sister!  I just know it.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Pick Your Team...

The day has come...I find out tomorrow so take the poll!  

Pick a team... free polls 

I really think it's one more then the other...but we'll see.  I'll post as soon as we know!

anxious mommy