Sunday, April 27, 2014

The Act of Nesting...Who knew...

This concept is new to me.  I never had this before, and it happened this BAAAAM!

I've been looking at some things to do while feeling the nesting bug, but i should prob stop because they're adding to my list of things to get done:

  • Pad the Pantry- snacks, soups for casseroles, pasta, staples...DONE
  • Cook in quantity- when browning hamburger, thaw 2 lb and brown one for later and stick it in the freezer, grill extra chicken and put in freezer, make twice the pasta cassaroles and store, etc...NEED TO DO
  •  Wash the Other stuff- Duvey covers, curtains, spare sets of sheets, blankets, anything that needs to be washed... DOING
  • Deep Clean- blinds, windows, registers, wipe down chairs, clean the car REALLY well...NEED TO DO!
  • (I don't know about this one) Finish your birth announcements on all but pictures and stats so that all the printer needs in numbers.  Address your envelopes and get them ready....We'll see.
  •  The Hospital bag- this would have been helpful with Ruthie.  This is its own blog post about the do's and dont's of the hospital bag, but needless to say, I need to do it. 
  • Stay ahead of bills- *if Tes arrives when she's supposed to* I will be in the hospital over a "Bills Due" date.  

So now you see where my head is right is it that pregger brain has the ability to forget EVERYTHING, and yet thing of ALL this STUFF that has to happen?!?!

Sunday night/Monday morning, 2am actually, i was overwhelmed with EVERYTHING that needed to happen by July.  i.e. a banister so that my children don't plummet to their death down the junk out, my last blog post which was getting rid of TONS of stuff.  Monday was that day.  By the end of the day, I couldn't move anything but the smile on my face when i had taken TWO carloads to salvation army, filled all our giant trash cans outside, had a burn pile ready, and laundry loads left were in the single digits.  I felt accomplished...

Is that even nesting?  Or just me freaking out that I'm behind, b/c Wednesday was the start of my third trimester, and I am feeling every day of it!

My mom-in-law wanted to throw me a "Sprinkle" or a diaper shower, or something for the arrival of Miss Tes, but I have been is such freak out mode of what needs to get done, we have turned that day into a "Spackle" instead of a "Sprinkle."  We are inviting people to come over that day and DO WORK in exchange for an awesome cook out that I'm throwing afterward to thank EVERYONE for their help.  It will feel soooo good to have some of this stuff done.

A Few Planned Projects:

  • Banister @ the top of the steps
  • Wood floor the kitchen and dining room
  • put together and get Ruthie transitioned into a new room
  • Revamp nursery for Tes
  • Organize clothes by size
  • Paint/put together some furniture
There's a few things I'm forgetting, but by July, they will be monumental!  

Right now, this calm Sunday afternoon, i am debating between sleep of working...I know what will win, but i feel that Nesting-ness pulling hard....but this bed feels soooo good...

Friday, April 11, 2014

Spring Cleaning...TAKE IT!!!

So, I've begun spring cleaning/nesting/GET THIS STUFF OUT OF MY HOUSE-ing!  Nathan had a dump trailer at the house a few weeks ago, and i just pointed and he took.  If it was his choice, he would have just burned all this stuff, but I know some people might want it, and it was given to me, so I want to make sure it gets up-cycled!

If you see it and want it, leave a comment, or tell me on FB!  I will either do my best to bring it to you, or set up a time where we can make the exchange.  Obviously the sooner the better! And I will travel :)  

**Please, PLEASE don't be offended if you gave me some of this stuff, and now I'm giving it away...It has served its purposes in the many houses I've been in, I'm just at a place in life & home where i need the space.**  
So here we go... 

I painted this white (semi-gloss) and i have white/red/teal glass handles that i bought to put on the fronts...but never have.  

A black decor piece i had above my bed when i lived in Peoria.  It has a wall hanger thing on the back.

A twin bed head and foot board.  can be painted.

TV works great...we just don't need it.

The reason why I am giving this away, is because it will probably take some money to get new pads and whatnot put on it.  I LOVED this thing.  It's great for middle schoolers wanting to try it for the first time.  

Shoe rack that goes over the door. 

We got two of these as a wedding present.  Never been out of the box.

Works great, but we are getting out of the desktop stage.  No use for it now...

I'M NOT GIVING FORREST AWAY...although, Nathan might want me to... the lamp shades.  If you want measurements, let me know.  I used the small one on a small decorative lamp and the large one on a swivel lamp.  

There is a sewing machine inside of this.  Beautiful finish..nice antique piece.

Big ole' heavy mirror.  I painted the frame was also in my bedroom in Peoria. The back cardboard is coming off, but could be easily secured. 

We acquired these with the house, but we don't have a pool table.  I'm not even sure if they are clue.

This is an old washboard I bought at a garage sale for $5.

I will wipe this off for you...just a black shelf thing. guessed it...a vase. 

This i bought for the back of my's a bike rack...I took my bike to and from school.  It wont work on the back of my SUV now.  

I have two of these chairs.  Again...i will wipe them off for you. :)  Nice...just don't match anything i have. 

A Scent thing..Christmas/Winter.  I got it as a gift and used it once. 

CD rack...don't need it anymore.

My college ladies will remember this... :) The thirst extinguisher...I broke Cousin Amy's so I got her a new this one doesnt have that center column, but we discovered that if you put ice in bags and duct tape it to the sides it works!  HAHAHA! :)

I bought this desk on Craigslist 2 years ago.  But this is going to be Ruthie's room and we dont really need a desktop anymore.  Please take it and use it to your hearts content...

Dont judge me by my messy house...we're cleaning/arranging (and these pics were taken RIGHT after i got my new carpet).  Again, I will clean what you want me to clean, and bring you what you want.  Just message/comment!!!