In an attempt to capture my feelings so I remember what it feels like these last days of class, I really have no desire to remember them. As much as I thought I might be completely relieved,I am more totally anxious and stressed. My allergies make me feel like I have the worst cold in the entire world. When you are allergic to every tree in Illinois, this is how it feels and I just need to get over it.
I only have 1 homework assignment due as a final. Everything else is just studying for two tests that I have next thursday. My room is mostly boxed up. I have enough clothes for a week and I have to wear each of those close once, wash them and then wear them again next week.
I've found myself thinking really hard lately about what it might feel like this time next week or this time two weeks from now. Next week I will be desperately studying to pass a MGMT class and two weeks from now, I will be frantically going through all my belongings in my head and finding out where they are going to go in the apartment.
I got my first graduation card today. This is really surreal to me. I only have 4 days left of work here in carbondale. I have two hours left of class. I have about 48 hours left of outside work. You know the crazy part...it's been sitting in my head.... but i just realized yesterday that tomorrow is my birthday. The sad things.... i only have 9 more days with my best friends... 9 more days.
I praise God for everything He's shown me here. And I praise Him for everything he is going to provide for me. I really hope He doesn't mind that I'm still scared. Happy Birthday Shannon, today! Happy Birthday to me, tomorrow! Thank you for my Mom and Dad Jesus, and thanks for convincing my dad that daughters are way better than sons. :)
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