Let me introduce myself... Hello, my name is Lindsay Wineinger.*woow*
My wedding was such a beautiful day! I couldn't have asked for a more smooth flowing day with few kinks and LOADS of love and laughter and amazing celebration of God and of Nathan and me. What turned out to be a busy weekend ended up being so fun and full of family and friends...i dont think i would have had it any other way. Both nathan and i said that when all our wedding party got together on friday night it was one big family like we had all known each other for years and we were ready to have a great reunion weekend. I really didnt cry much that weekend, but the one time i did cry was on the way out the rehersal dinner/yates family reunion when i realized how much i love the people that were surrounding me at that moment and how much it meant they were all there to share the weekend with me. I was overwhelmed with so much JOY!

My ladies threw me a bachlorette party where i was joined by my lovely Shannon and Megan Block! I got tons of things that nathan thought were great *cough* and a fantastic book, The Joy of Sex. Oh the faces and stories... recommended by many. I still have yet to crack open the book and not giggle a little or cock my head to the side with a bewildered look... lol.

We had fun saturday morning getting our hair done, drinking starbucks and heading over to the church to start the day. Nathan and i had a special time where we met at the light poll where he asked me out and proposed to me to see me for the first time. We had our moment and then we headed downtown to get our pictures taken and just have fun with each other. The boys slightly toasted b/c of their suits but all was well and we had fun.
The wedding was perfect filled with wonderful people. We got to hug most of them and anyone we didn't we did at the reception hall. I got advice by many people to just stop at some point and just take it all in and i really feel like the day was just so relaxed that i took it all in all day long. I never really felt stressed and I knew no matter what by the end of the day i would be married.

The next day after the wedding was another family filled day. We had presents at the house with my Grandma Carol and some davises and Aunt Ann and Bill who I dont get to see very often and we were VERY blessed by all the presents. Then we headed to the Wineinger Twins HS graduation, which was AWESOME! with Dakota, Blake, Kim, and Todd as new additions to the wineinger family. Then we went to the 50th anniversary party for Nan and Gramps Wineinger and then we wee teed and ate culver's and just had a blast. We finally ended the evening, went home, and packed for Florida where we spent tons of time just basking on the beach and enjoying the sun and LOVING the peace and quiet!
We are doing quite well here at home. We are already in a kind of routine and we have already discovered that we need to slow down our schedule a little. But being together after being apart for so long is just refreshing and just plain fun. I will definitely put more pictures up when i get the professional ones back but these were just some of my favorites..

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