Sorry for the lack of updates. I know that Ashley has written a few, but still no excuse.
On Sunday we had a meeting in the evening with a group of believers. They were planning our mini revival out in the village of Sange. There was a media group, a group that coordinated where people would walk and talk to the people, security for the evening sessions and our group, the toubabs, were the intersesary team. We were to continuously pray for everyone. Our plan was to show the Jesus video Monday night when we got there, and then the next day, walk around hut to hut and talk to the people about Jesus and then invite them to the program we were having that night. So the party begins....
Monday afternoon we started loading everything up. We packed sandwiches, chips, and granola bars for breakfast that Margaret and I made, grabbed some Tampicos (basically Tang in a Capri Sun bag), and drove out to the village. Nathan, Josh, and Travis stayed to finish the cart and wait for the horse to come. As soon as we arrived, we went to the house of a catholic family with lots of space and rooms. They cleaned out a spare room for us six toubab girls (including Pastor Cole and Paul killing a geko and us killing about 12 spiders the size of 1/2 dollars) and laid out our mats.
We headed up to the center of town, (HUGE baybob tree where many gathered tor shade) and listened to people singing and speaking asking all the people of the village to come and see what all this comossion was around. We started around 5:00.. about 8:30 we started the Jesus film and around 10pm we had to stop b/c the kids that were watching needed to make to school on time. It was a big night of worshipping, speaking, and children singing.
We then ate dinner and headed to bed. Now, when i say bed, i already was preparing myself for not sleeping more than usual. I was in for an adveture and please understand that i didnt mind not getting too much sleep but i was more looking forward to the experience... and MAN did I get one. As soon as I got used to the loud goat outside the window, Margaret popped up and said, "O snap, a mouse just ran over my feet." From then on, there were squeeks eatting left over rice the men ate for dinner. Then once i verified in my mind, "They wont come to my side b/c there's no food..." a baby goat got lost and proceeded to bleet for his mother who responded for about 30 min. As I cacoons into my sheets, i smiled and said, ok God, experience had!
We woke up the next morning, and after a great granola bar, and a wonderful prayer meeting with pastor Cole and the others, we split into groups. about 4 of us began to prayer walk around the village and we soon realized that the man of the house send his son, Marcel, to guide us. As we headed towards the school to pray over the students, Marcel asked if we would like to go inside. Through a process of God moments, Marcel led us to meet the head master of the secondary school (high school) who knew english, pray with them and with their emom (sp...their muslim intercesor), the head master of the primary school, then head to the hospital and prayer for the patients. (side story: The head master of the secondary school who spoke english stopped by the hospital to check on a student and helped us b/c the doctor and nurse spoke no french or english. He helped us interperate our prayers. Total God thing.)
It was awesome! We then ate lunch, took afternoon naps, and then headed back to the center of town for the evenings presentation. It started about 4:30pm and we decided to leave around 8:30pm b/c we were all whooped and we still had to get ready for the OCC distribution today.
We had the best time in Sange. It was really evident that God had big plans for this visit. Even Mary and Maragret got a new contact at the school and will be heading there soon to help teach with the english teachers.
Today was the OCC distribution at the primary school of about 500 students in Poultock where Mr Lo is the principal at the secondary school. The children were soooo happy to see us and i know that many awesome pictures were taken. Tomorrow is the secondary school which is three class... around 130 students. It will be sure and i always feel i connect a little better with the older kids.
A few prayer reqests:
- There is some civil unrest and there are plans of a bg riot in Dakar on Saturday. We were planning to go to Goree island saturday, but we have to rearrange so that we're safe. Pray that it doesnt get big enough to close the airport and generally pray for our safety.
- Pray for Sange, the city where we witnessed. I can safely say that 100s of people heard about Jesus and were willing to listen to what we had to say.
- Pray for our distribution again tomorrow as we go back to Poultock.
- Pray for Mr. Lo who continually interpets for us and has shared the gospel through his interpetation but is a Muslium. Also, he is building a house in Dakar with his son Jr. who is about 7. Pray for money so he can keep building and for his relationship with the forsyths and the teams.
Ok love you all. Off I go to bed. It's about 9:30pm and we have had a long day in the sun with another one yet to come.