I was cleaning my feet yesterday with a smile on my face b/c i was just sooo excited they were covered in the African dirt... *sigh*
Our flights were awesome... There was really nothing to complain about beside the ususal.. small seats and sketch food. Kimberly and Mallory met us at about 7ish and picked us up. We went to the guest house where we ate breakfast, met the rest of the team, packed up the groceries that they purchased the day before.
We started driving home and stopped at Dakar Academy to drop off some clothes for gloria. Then we headed to Mbor for fruit, and Mallory got a new facet. It was so awesome to see nathan and ashley and josh's face as they were experncing things for the first time. It's like things that have been in my heart that ive just been waiting to see.
We got home, ate thiebougen, and did everything possible to stay awake. We planned the schedule (tentively,of course) and then assesed the bench making process. Finally, travis got the local pharmacist to come and sort out medical supplies and what would be beneficial in certain places.
Today was AWESOME!!! We got up (learned of the earthquake, and got really sad) ate breakfast, and then got ready for a great day! Margaret and Mary came over to plan english club for tomorrow which is understanding everyone needs to be rescued. Then after we were done, we headed out to help the boys work on benches. They are going to be building a stage and benches.
We ate lunch, worked a little more and then headed over to the hospital. We got a mini tour of the facilities and then we went to meet the leaders and hand out the mattresses and medical supplies. It was really awesome. They were so appreciative and met many different people from many departments. Pastor Cole then took us to meet with a man that was recording parts for the radio station. We took the lady in charge of maternity and the administrative assistant and they talked about what had happened. Then I chatted for a sec about what we brought and why we were here. It was pretty awesome.
Then we came home and starting making the Friday nite pizzas Nathan and Josh headed off to play soccer with Nathaniel and the other boys out in a field behind the house and we all cooked to get ready for movie night. We ate pizza chatted for a long time, the boys came home and ate, and then we watched the Kings Speech. I then fell asleep and became a party pooper and headed to bed early.
Here is what our schedule looks like for the rest of the week:
Saturday: English Club this afternoon
We start fasting at 7pm for the work the team is doing
Sunday: Church in the Morning
Meeting with Victor and Pastor Cole about plans for Monday and Tuesday in the villiages
Monday: In the PM head to the village to set up and watch Jesus film and Chat with the people. This is the night that we are staying the night
Tuesday: Go hut 2 hut talking to people about why we are there.
Wednesday: Our first distribution of OCC boxes to Mr Lo's school
Thursday: Second OCC box distribution
Friday: Heading to Dakar
Saturday: Goree Island
Sunday: Flying home.
Bill, we talked to Halifa (sp is way off) and he was happy to hear of your greeting. They kids really miss everyone. Ethan loved the picture he got of him and tricia. They miss Liz and everytime they see a picture they say, Oh, I miss Miss Liz."
It feels crazy wonderful to be here! I'll write more from the heart later i just wanted to get out there what we are doing every day.
Love you mom. Love you Dad. Love you Brittany.
I'm so glad you got to talk on the radio...hopefully that is a thing that will be repeated in the future.....
Is it bad that I'm really hoping and praying that you and Nathan will decide to move to Senegal? I love you tons, but I want all of my friends to move to awesome places in the world and serve God there. And I will visit you. :)
Sounds like you will have some crazy days, and then some laidback ones before you come home. Have SO MUCH fun, and tell the Forsythes that I miss them!
It is so good to see this blog. I am aching to hear and know all that is going on. God has such interesting happenings in our lives. Dirty toes are a wonderful memory! Keep posting.
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