I just love when I can check things off the ever growing list of thing I must get done before October and this week I accomplished 2! TWO! That's huge!!
About 2 months ago, Mom gave me a stroller and car seat that she bought when Bella arrived that was in pretty great shape and the stroller is a jogging stroller which is what I REALLY wanted. Downfall...Jack the Cat, my sister's cat, who has a peeing problem, found it first. But, I was determined to majorly clean it, get the cat pee smell out, and make it work! I soaked the seat in mild yet "you better get the heck out" chemicals and then washed it twice, and then let it dry in the sun. I had to replace a piece of particle board which was the biggest feat but we survived and now, I HAVE A STROLLER & AND A CAR SEAT! (No pictures, but come on. You know what a stroller looks like.)
I finished a Pinterest Project!!!!! YAY! This was also on the list of projects to get done, so last night while I slightly moped, while my family was playing volleyball and I wished I could have played, I stayed home and created.
This was my inspiration...
I know that it's been pinned about a gazillion times, but I was determined to make it with my own twist. It's taken me a REALLY long time. I've had my canvases covered for MONTHS! But, here is the final project!
I think I will still look at it and touch up with a marker here and there, but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. (Please disregard terrible picture.) Not sure where it will go yet, but I like.
Now for my next projects to finish...
The Ornament wreath I started before LAST Christmas for my front door.
This sweater I saved so I can turn into leg warmers. I think Ruthie with LOVE them!
I think I am going to glue the letters together and screw hooks into the bottom of them for the wall to hang bows, or jackets, or ANYTHING.
This is supposed to be a large rug that I started crocheting out of T-shirts. I have the t-shirts, it's just cutting them up that's the hard part which I still have to do. Ugh.
So, craft on, I MUST! I also have to refinish a cedar chest for a toy box, and paint/assemble a coffee table that I have, and I am determined to make another print with the quote that says, "Let her sleep, for when she wakes, she will move mountains." that I will put above her crib. Not to mention, I would like to have some new tree skirts done to sell before Christmas. Why am i still typing?!?!