In other news I got a new job! It's bittersweet really. I had no real desire to leave my current job, but I just couldn't pass up the offer. I will be that admin assistant to the athletic director at Dunlap high school. I applied because it was a little better pay and I got full benefits for the family. But, when D. Joseph heard, they matched it...yet another reason making it hard to leave. It was one of the hardest decisions of my life, but the main reasons I switched with because of the benefits and vacation days and holidays. It will help us save tons of money in the long run by not having to pay for childcare in the summers. And come on! Who doesn't want a summer break. I mean really! This will also make it possible for Nathan and I to go on family mission trip every year. And that's something that we both decided is going to be priority in our family.
So I'm pretty excited but I have a lot of work in store for me. The director hasn't had an assistant yet since he took the position a year ago July and the previous person had the position for over 20 years with a pretty extensive paper system. We've got to make that athletic department computerized! Not to mention the massive amounts of sports Dunlap has...football, volleyball, girl's track, boy's track, girl's tennis, boy's tennis, softball, baseball, girl's soccer, boy's soccer, swimming, diving, and I'm sure I missing something...ohh cross country. I think that's it. So, I guess this makes me a Royal Red Eaglebird. i.e. I hold true to my Metamora Redbird roots, I married a Prince, and my daughter will be a Princeville Lady Prince (why not a Princess, no one knows...), and now I am an Eagle. I'm picturing an all red eagle with a crown on it's head...it's in the same animal kingdom as Napolian Dynamite's liger...pretty much my favorite animal, ever!
I am pretty excited to be working at Dunlap though. For those of you not from Ptown, Dunlap is the closest city to Peoria that isn't apart of the Peoria school district, which is currently less than desirable And most of the families that go there just happened to be loaded! I'm not knocking them at all! I've had many friends from Dunlap. But it's encouraging to know that the district is doing well and will continue to do well. There are lots of teachers on my mom's side of the family, and I decided that if I were to ever be a teacher I'd always want to be a high school teacher. I feel like you could have way more fun with the kids. And the passion of a teenager is just immeasurable. Even if they say they don't care. They just have to focus their passion off of parties and booze and each other... yet another reason why I'm pretty pumped about working at the high school. This is the long term now. I thought last time was a long term but it wasn't. Now that I have a kid, this job is perfect. Well, I'll let all ya'll know a week from now how things are going with a new job and a new niece. It's crazy how much life changes soooo quickly...Blows my mind sometimes.

Brittany is days away from baby #2. Layla Anne Marie almost came today, but the doctor wanted to give her a little bit more time. I think she'll definitely be here by Wednesday. She's going to be a pretty large and in charge baby. This is going to be interesting. Bella's 13.5 months and a very jealous little girl. She does love Ruthie though. She reaches out and pets her head as if she were petting Jack the cat...soft and sweet and she whispers so she "doesn't wake the baby" Brittany says. She whispers gibberish, but still very quietly. Andy was holding Ruthie once and not paying attention to Bella, and that wasn't to pretty. Only time will tell really.
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