A pretty famous Christian author/blogger, don't ask me the name...I'm barely suprised I remember the entirety of this point...commented on why he didn't have a Twitter. His response: To have any kind of social networking is a plea for a witness in our lives...movie quote- Shall We Dance (imdb, 2004)
'Beverly Clark: We need a witness to our lives. There's a billion people on the planet... I mean, what does any one life really mean? But in a marriage, you're promising to care about everything. The good things, the bad things, the terrible things, the mundane things... all of it, all of the time, every day. You're saying 'Your life will not go unnoticed because I will notice it. Your life will not go un-witnessed because I will be your witness'."'
I have a witness to my life, in my marriage in my family. The validation through others through Twitter is unnessisary.
Ok, back to Linz talking...I love that movie quote first off. But it's true. I find validation through my interactions on FB, blogger, Instagram, etc. (don't really want to keep going for fear of severe insecurity). But by not posting (forgetting to post) I was investing in my surroundings...now hopefully it was for the positive aka Rue.
But on the flip side of this I've missed those moments of just spilling my guts out in a post or coming back and just grinning at my display of prime witty-ness. I love telling people about Rue and how awkwardly redneck adorable anti-technological my husband is... i know you hear Moose's voice when i talk about him or shed a tear or two when i look back in awe of God's timing of Rue and the house and the greatness that was August of 2012. I don't want to say that I'm not acting real outside of my blog, but quite opposite; the people that I'm the most real with (the people that care enough the check me out on FB or blogger) get to see me even more raw (rawer??-not sure:)
So I'm gonna be the come back kid! I'm gonna post again! And more often! And more deep...well, and less deep too... A person of my nature can only be so serious.
Remember me... The Winey wife.. Yea, I'm back.
Ps and just because I have the cutest baby ever... Squinch! A fan fav...
How did I not know you had this blog? Welcome back. I'll check by often.
You know you have a cute kid whenever a picture is a "fan favorite." :)
Social media is totally a cry for attention (says a crier for attention), but it's also fun! Glad you're back, and I'll read your raw and less raw and whatever stuff whenever you post. Love you!
I'm glad you're back also...you are a delightful lady with a great husband and a beautiful daughter. Who would not want to read what you have to say? Cries for attention are welcome to this old man!
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