Friday, November 28, 2014

The Thankful Project: 22-27 Vacay

You know what I am very thankful for?

 Day 22: Light bulbs...
 There was one out above my kitchen sink that I changed this morning, and now the one is out at my best side table. I feel so in the dark. *ba dum chh* That was totally my father, no but really. You never really appreciate something until it's gone.

 Day 23: Wordpress and .css generators *TEASER!*
 Don't ask. But wait in severe anticipation for Dec. 1! It will be big!

 Day 24: Paychecks
 Similarly to Day 22, absence makes the heart grow fonder.

 Day 25: Food
 I know that seems so general, but my thanks is pretty general. I like cooking it...eating it, growing it, eating it, eating it...

 Day 26: Vacation 5 days! I get 5 days!

 Day 27: The Candids
 I find that some of the pictures that mean the most to me are the ones that i didn't take. Usually, I go pick up my phone and find that Rue got a hold of it...That's how I got this one...

 I still cry when I see. What a funny kid. Man!

 Today my sister-in-law was taking pictures while I was in the kitchen. Tonight when I was debriefing from the day (i.e. eating extra dessert after everyone was gone and watching endless episodes of Gilmore Girls (I'm on Season 4)), I flipped through on my camera and just sat and smiled and giggled. When did my Ruthie May become a little girl? Someone...anyone... please tell me!

 Here, you look!

 They are my dream girls! There are only two other people that are up there with this much love...the first because He kind of created all of it, and the other man was a major part in created the first two. (Too much?)

 I hope you and your fam had a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving and family drama aside, it was filled with people you love surrounding you. Christmas can commonsense. I know the entire world was just holding her breath waiting for me to give the ok. It's ok everyone. You can now start celebrating Christmas.

Friday, November 21, 2014

The Thankful Project: Days 10-21

This is about the point we people start thinking in their head..."Well,maybe she is ungreatful!"  

This was about the time I stopped last year...BUT  I'M PUSHING THROUGH!  

Day 10: My Job!  

Not only do I get to work around some awesome people and some stellar kids, I get the summers off!  LOVE IT!

Day 11: Small Town Life

We do football and Caseys and muddin' and stuff.  We drive tractors to school and take off work and school for the first day of *insert animal that you plan to kill here* season.  Everyone knows everyone and, like 'em or not, still is there when you need help.  Yup, we're staying.  

Day 12: Diet Pepsi... nuff said.

Day 13:  Hairbands

I'm at that point in life where I can count on one hand the day withing the last month that my hair as stayed down all day.  It's a mom thing I think...Tess has some grabby hands. 

Day 14: Bacon...again nuff said. 

Day 15: eMeals  

I'll blog more about this one later with LOTS of details, but on the night of the 15th, I sat down at the kitchen table with my meal plans from emails and my thanksgiving plans, wrote out my shopping list for the rest of the month, and now, I know exactly what food is and that we have what we need for every night until Dec. 1!

Day 16: Bedtimes

Within these last few weeks, I have gotten sooo much done after 8:30p and it's crazy!  I forgot what it was like to have an evening to myself.  It's been a long time!

Day 17: makes dreams reality. (At least on paper :)

Day 18: Chocolate

Dove Chocolate particularly, and if there's caramel in it, extra points!

Day 19: Guatemala

It has been decided!  This summer, I am headed to Guatemala City for a mission trip!  There will be twelve of us going.  I'm pumped!

Day 20: Red hair
I'm of the 2%!  If I didn't think I was special, I do now! And I'm even luckier that I past it on to my sweet peas. 

Day 21: IT'S FRIDAY!  
Some weeks it's like, "Oh yeah! It's friday! I forgot."  But today it was, "Praise the good and sweet Heavenly Father Above, IT'S FRIDAY!!"

BOOM! Caught up!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

The Thankful Project: Weekend Edition 6-9

Day 1: End of Football
Day 2: Gilmore Girls
Day 3: Mascara
Day 4: The Smiles
Day 5: Coffee

The Thankful Project: Day 6-9

Day 6: Sleep
 ... no explanation required.

Day 7: Chalkboard Paint

Yes, i am thankful for chalkboard paint.  It's easy artwork for the walls that can change...and i love change...i thrive off of change...

I make this Thursday night.  Ruthie already is in the habit of taking her shoes off and hanging her coat up right when she walks in.  AWESOME!

Day 8: No pants Saturdays

Shortly after Nathan and I got married, I was introduced to this...and it's everything it's cracked up to be (no pun intended).  It is sometimes literal, yes...(if it's T.M.I. sorry), but it's more so the idea that we got nothin' to do and MAN am i thankful for THOSE Saturdays.  I don't believe one is in our future again for a very long time.

Day 9: Mom

It's Mom's birthday today!  She's turning.....drum roll please.....into an even younger looking person than she looked last year!  *psh...I'm no dumbie.*

10 Reason's I'm Thankful for my mom in just this Past Month

  1. She came over and helped me clean up my house.
  2. She helps watch the girls every Wednesday so I can be a part of the church Christmas Choir.
  3. She offered to take the girls while Nathan and I go on vacation in December.
  4. She made a valiant effort along with Dad to come to Nathan's football games.
  5. She went on the Spoon River Drive with Brittany and I ...and Tes and Bells.
  6. She encouraged me on my Apple week blog post.
  7. She watched the girls last weekend and church while I had to be at a meeting and so Nathan could hunt. 
  8. She's committed to helping paint my kitchen cabinets when I finally get the go ahead from my darling husband to do so.
  9. She is letting me host Thanksgiving.
  10. She still gives me hugs and kisses everything I see her!

Happy **muffle**th Birthday Mom!  Love you to the moon!

Ruthie put on a birthday hat and starting singing Happy Brif - day!  I'll see if I can snag a recording!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The Thankful Project: Days 3-5

Day 3: Mascara

I'm not sure if anyone really appreciates mascara more than a blond-eyelashes girl.  Yes, yes...this may seem silly to a brunette or one with dark features, but to a ginger or toe blonde, MAN the power of mascara is almost a crutch.
Wow, I didnt realize the creepy-ness of this photo until now, but it solidifies my point.  POP!

Day 4: The Smiles...

Oh, sweet cheese, the SMILES!  
Cue bad day...
"Ruthie, will you take your passie out and smile for mommy?  I'm having a bad day."
*muffled* "Otay, Mommy." *takes passie out...* "Cheeeeeeese."
"Oh, thank you, sweet girl.  That was wonderful."
"Yous we-come, mommy."  *puts passie back in*

With Tess, you just have to look at her with a side eye and she thinks that's funny.  

Sigh...I'm printing this picture out for my office.  It can really make and day better. 

Day 5: Coffee

The smell, the taste, the effects...COFFEE...

Favorite brand, you ask?  INTELLIGENTSIA
And, where might you find that?  Cyds!  (Hey cool kats!  Miss you!) You can drink and buy it there...they also sell it at Fresh Market here in town, but please try it!  

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Thankful Project & InstaFunday Sunday

It's November which means..... TIME FOR THE "THANKFUL PROJECT!"  My theme this year is, "The Little Things."  

I want you to know that I purposefully didn't post yesterday, because I was waiting for the outcome of Nathan's football game.  So, now that I know they lost, I can say for November 1, I'm so thankful football is OVER!  I'm so grateful for football and we love the games and the coaches and families....BUT THANK YOU SWEET JESUS we are done!

November 2:  I am thankful for the Gilmore Girls.  With normal television shows you go comatose and just stare.  With GG, you have to concentrate sooo hard...they talk sooooo fast.  I've started Season One and Ashley has them all.  Trying to guess how long this will take me.  

Insta-Funday Sunday: My weekly review in pictures... here goes...

Cheap wall art...string, spray paint, and it.  

Nathan's birthday was Wednesday.  He's 27.  Look at how little him and Josh were!!!

At Nana's retirement party.  She snagged 5 cupcakes...

#tbt  Comparing Ruthie's Sushi costume to Tess's Deviled Egg Costume.

I'm pretty sure I wore the ears longer than Ruthie.  

Last night, while Nathan was at his play off game, I made dinner with all things he doesn't like...
Three Cheese Leek & Potato Pizza  soooooo tasty.