Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Eagle Bows it's Solemn Head Tonight...

I want to preface this post (because prefacing is one of my OTHER spiritual gifts) by saying that what I am about to post is my opinion.  I do not want to portray anything as fact unless I reference something from a source and say that it is in fact, a fact.  I am going to be talking about Dunlap and all of its glory, so if you get easily twerked or bothered by this topic I would high encourage you to LOOK AWAY!  SHIELD YOUR EYES! DON’T DO IT!!

This could also be semi boring for some of my blog readers…. Sorry about that…

I became a part of the Dunlap Community in November of 2012 when I became the secretary for the Athletic Director here at the high school.  I took the job because of a few things…a dear family friend’s son was drowning in his job, I had the skills necessary for the job and I had a baby and the opportunity to stay home in the summers.  I also LOVE high school students.

I got introduced to school district politics very early on seeing as how I was a district employee surrounded by school employees.  Yes, I mainly work with the high school coordinating the 16 sports here, but I also have a little finger in each of the 5 grade schools and 2 middle schools so to speak.  I also became good friends with many of the teachers (i.e. teachers’ union), so I began hearing about contracts and agreements, etc.  I’m not even going to kind of admit that I understand any of that stuff, but I get the reason why it’s in place and I understand some of its perks and slumps. 

Now, one doesn’t have to try too hard to avoid in the news that Dunlap is struggling…which many people view as odd, b/c we are one of the more “well-off” districts around Peoria, but all’s the same we have a spending problem.  From what I understand of the mess, next year, Dunlap is projected to have a deficit of $2.1 million, so the school board is working to lower/eliminate this deficit.  Now,  as a state school district, we have a reserve that was created to assistant in many ways, this being one of them, but the School Board is in the mind set, and I semi get this, that this will be a pattern and that reserve will be eaten away over time.  *My Opinion* It appears that our school district is being run like a business and not a school district and this is very apparent in who they have in the administration and also on the Board of Education and by the decisions they make. 

So tonight’s a VERY important board meeting…and here’s just some of the effects of what the board will more than likely decide.
  •       17 teaching positions will be cut across the district
    •        This affects my coaching staff
  •      Class sizes will increase with the courses being consolidated and the natural community growth
    •     There was an article about this in the PJStar a few weeks ago.  More classes then ever with 30+ students
  •         We are implementing a $100 activity fee for every student from 6th up in a competitive sport, music class/program and competitive club. 
    •     Secretary’s nightmare… oh wait, that’s me.
  •      Certain staff positions are being consolidated and re-delegated. 
    •          *Opinion* I think that when this happens, tasks will get delegated to me by an administrator, and therefore eating into my responsibilities which in turn cut into my (now) hourly work week which is already under fairly strict restriction.
  •     Non-certified staff are on a pay freeze
    •           This includes administration that makes over $200k on a 9 mo contract…I hope they’ll be alright. 

I know that there are MANY other cons that I am forgetting.  This is a list of just some, but ultimately, my heart is sad, because these decisions have taken the heart of education out of the school and replaced them with dollar signs and tons of animosity.  Students and parents have protested in front of the board and they have been cut off.  Statements by administrators have been made in the newspapers implying that they already had their decisions made before listening to anyone.  Things have been hidden, Board members have threatened people, and it’s turned into a REAL battle.  It’s sad really. 

During our small group book studies at Church, Joel is leading us through “The Good and Beautiful Community” by James Bryan Smith, and this week there was a fabulous paragraph worded so well, yet made my heart break for Dunlap in particular so hard.     
The problem comes when the most important consideration, the dominate desire and the main focus of a community is its own success.  Just as an individual whose whole life is focused on meeting his or her own needs becomes narcissistic, self-centered, ineffective and ultimately unhappy, so also communities can become so focused on themselves that they lose their souls.  When that happens, the larger vision, the one that brought the community into existence, has been eclipsed, and the community no longer exists to fulfill its original mission but simply to stay alive.  This is often the first step toward spiritual death and ultimately, the demise of the community.  (pg 68; The Good and Beautiful Community, James Bryan Smith)

*Opinion* Just within the first sentence, the dominate desire and main focus of each individual on that board is personal success with no consideration for the district as a whole.  I can see most of these elites using this seat on the board as a stepping stone, not as a concrete place to serve.  I personally know some people that worked at piecing together parts of this community, and to see it crumble out of selfish ambition and deceit is heart wrenching.  

What these kids see is the power of money; many of them see it in their homes and now in their school.  They see politics at their finest.  Dunlap has already begun to move into a self-seeking community and this doesn't help that.  Most of the kids couldn't tell you more than two people on the school board.  There’s no connection there.  If our superintendent came to a sporting event, the kids don’t really know what he looks like.  I do appreciate that these kids see their teachers fighting for their jobs.  A hand full of students, including our student council president have helped support them at board meetings and such. 

My job as a position is not affected, but my workload and friendships and stress level will be changed for good after tonight.  Let’s make it through two more days… we all need a spring break around here.  Maybe two.

PS  Adam Collins- "If they ever turn this into a movie, they should call it, 'Board Games.'"  

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1 comment:

diana barton said...

Not an unusual struggle in a school district, from what I have personally seen. But thanks for helping keep it in the proper perspective spiritually. Better than just griping, which I usually do!